The Mask Wiki
Kal Penn 002



Kal Penn (Son of the Mask)

First appearance

Son of the Mask

Jorge is the best friend and coworker of Tim Avery from Son of the Mask in 2005. He worked at Animagine, where he convinces Tim to make a cartoon pitch to their boss, Daniel Moss. He also had a crush on a coworker, Sylvia but was too shy to speak to her. While attending the company's Halloween party, Tim as the Mask wraps Sylvia up in mummy bandages and spins her like a tornado, changing her skin-tight cat costume into a skimpy red swimsuit. Jorge manages to catch Sylvia in his arms as she falls, to which Sylvia is relieved to see him and Jorge exclaims "Sylvia. Thank you, God!" as he lifts her to her feet. Jorge and Sylvia watch Tim perform at the party, laughing with joy. They are presumed to be dating after this. The next morning, Jorge congrats Tim on making the party a success. 

